Playgroups and 

Open House

All playgroups are free and open to the public.  You do not need to be enrolled to attend a playgroup.  Siblings are welcome, adult supervision is required.  Bring your friends!

Academic Year 2024-25

Second Saturday of the month

Location: University Houses Preschool, 6033 Odana Road, Madison, WI  53719 

When:  Second Saturday of the month, September 2024 - April 2025

Next Dates: Jan 11(Open House), Feb 8, March 8, April 12, 2025

Time: 10:30- Noon

Join University Houses Preschool (UHP) for a free playgroup the second Saturday of each month throughout the school year. When the weather is nice, families gather on our playground, which features a playhouse, tricycle fleet, garden, sandbox and more. When it's cold or rainy outside, we move the fun into our school building. 

Everyone is welcome, including siblings, and parents supervise their kids. Preschool enrollment is not required to participate. Bring your friends and get to know other families from UHP’s parent-run, co-op preschool and 4K program. 

Grupo de juego de los sábados en University Houses Preschool 

Vengan a jugar, conversar y cantar con sus pequeños. Traigan un refrigerio y conversen con otras familias mientras los niños usan los juguetes y el área de juegos imaginativos de la escuela.¡Inviten a sus amigos! Todos son bienvenidos en este evento gratuito.

Sábados de 10:30 am a 12:00 del mediodía.

Fechas: 11 de enero, 8 de febrero, 8 de marzo, 12 de abril y

Open House

Preschool and 4K Open House –

University Houses Preschool invites you to our Open House

Have Preschool & 4K questions?  Learn how to register at UHP.

Saturday, January 11th, 2025 10:30 - Noon

6033 Odana Road, Madison, WI 53719

Meet the teachers, play with our toys, and enjoy some snacks.

Bring your friends and family! Everyone is welcome at this free, fun event.


Día de puertas abiertas del preescolar y 4K

University Houses Preschool los invita al día de puertas abiertas.

¿Tiene preguntas sobre el preescolar o 4k? Aprenda en UHP a inscribirse en estos programas.

Sábado 11 de enero, de 10:30 a 12 de la tarde.

6033 Odana Road, Madison, WI 53719

Vengan a ver nuestra nueva ubicación. Conozcan a las maestras, jueguen con nuestros juguetes y disfruten de algunos bocaditos.

Summer 2025 Playgroups: 

Will be announced soon. Thank you for your patience.