Your Child's Day at UHP

Your child's day begins with an hour and a half of free choice time.  

Each week the teachers thoughtfully set up 4 to 5 spaces within the classroom for children to engage in art, sensory play, scientific investigation, imaginative play and more. Teachers constantly engage with the children as the children choose what and how they will explore and use these tools and spaces.  

Research shows that in play, children develop complex problem solving skills, alongside math and language.  Play is also crucial to learning to navigate complicated social and emotional situations.

Following Free choice time, the children and teachers work together to clean up the classroom and transition to snack time.  Snacks are served family style.  Children are encouraged to serve themselves from a variety of healthy options.

After snack time has finished, the teachers lead children in songs and stories during  a brief circle time.

Your child's day concludes with outdoor play.  We go outside during all kinds of weather, as long as it is safe for the children.  We set up an outdoor classroom for the children to continue exploring through a play based environment.  When it's 50° F or warmer, we enjoy our outdoor classroom full time

Hands on Learning with Family-Style Snack 

Snack time at UHP is where we, the children, teachers and parent helpers, sit together at a table, serve ourselves from shared snack trays, and eat together. There are many benefits to family style snack, both for children’s development and for creating a positive mealtime atmosphere. 

Benefits for Children

Additional Benefits for a Positive Food/Snack Time Atmosphere